P. B. Mangla Biography 
Author/editor of numerous books and specialist reviews in India and overseas including Journal of Library and Information Science, Education for Information, Amsterdam, Review in Library and Information Science, United States of America, LIBRI (Copenhagen).
Presently he is a Tagore National Fellow under the Government of India Ministry of Culture since 2010. This Fellowship Scheme has been instituted by the Union Government in connection with the 150th Birth Anniversary of the great India luminary Rabinder Nath Tagore. This is a prestigious Fellowship and funded generously to be at par with the basic pay of a Central University Vice-chancellor. Till now he is the only academic who has been honored with this Fellowship in the country in his field of specialization and has been called as a ‘legendary scholar and authority in the field of Library Science.
Published: N/A
Updated: September 22, 2017