Pammal Sambandha Mudaliar

Pammal Sambandha Mudaliar

Views: 14339

Category: Literature

Pammal Sambandha Mudaliar Profile

  • Name:
  • Pammal Sambandha Mudaliar
  • Other Name:
  • Pammal Vijayaranga Sambandha Mudaliar
  • Born:
  • February 9, 1873
  • Died:
  • September 24, 1964

Pammal Sambandha Mudaliar Biography

Pammal Sambanda Mudaliar was an Indian playwright who contributed to the Tamil Drama. He was called as the father of modern Tamil theatre. He was born in 1873 in Pammal in Chennai. His parents are Vijayaranga Mudaliar and Manickavelu Ammal.


He studied at Govindappa Naicker School and continued his education at Pachaiyappa’s School. He studied at Pachaiyappa’s College and completed his law degree also. He started to practice as a lawyer in 1924 and continued till 1928. He thought that the Tamil theatre was obscene and crude in its nature.


He saw the stage drama played by the actor Bellary Krishnamacharlu and this left an impression on him. The actors of that group called as Sarasa Vinodini Sabha were in high government jobs. He started Suguna Vilasa Sabha to enact theatre plays.


His first social drama, Pushpavalli was staged in 1893. Then he adapted English and Sanskrit plays also. Those who are highly educated started to pay attention to the theatrical plays. Some joined the Sabha and started acting. So this was seen as a center of moral and educational value.


The prose gained more prominence than songs. He created new sets and scenery that surprised the viewers. T. P. Krishnaswamy Pavalar who was considered as the great teacher of Tamil drama developed his skills through the Suguna Vilasa Sabha.


He wrote 96 plays totally and all these were staged by Suguna Vilasa Sabha. Some of his plays were Lilavathi Sulochana in 1895, Manoham in 1907, Amaladitya in 1908, Makapati in 1910, Sabhapati in 1910, etc. He wrote six volumes consisting of his memories. He also wrote a handbook for actors.


He strived to establish the dignity of the theatre and many eminent personalities. Many people followed his method and started their own sabhas. He toured many places including Delhi, Ceylon, Burma, Malaya, Singapore, Calcutta, etc. He died in the year 1964. 

Published: N/A

Updated: January 04, 2012

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