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Kuthiramalika Palace and Museum in Thiruvananthapuram


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    Distance from Thiruvananthapuram : 5 km;

    Time to Reach from Thiruvananthapuram : 0 h, 12 m

Kuthiramalika Palace was built by Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma in 1840 and is situated near the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. The sculptures of 122 horses are carved into the wooden wall brackets in its southern side and so the palace got its name. After the death of Swathi Thirunal in 1846, it was abandoned for more than a century.


A part of this palace is converted into museum and contains the remnants of the assets of the Travancore Royal Family that include Kathakali mannequins, Belgian mirrors, cystal chandeliers, traditional furniture and other artifacts. The ivory cradles, royal thrones and collection of idols and sculptures are also found here.


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