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Srikalahasti in Tirupati


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    Distance from Tirupati : 37 km;

    Time to Reach from Tirupati : 0 h, 42 m

Srikalahasti is located near Tirupati on the banks of Rive Swarnamukhi and is one of the important ancient Kshetras of Shiva located in South India. This place is also called Dakshina Kailasam or Dakshina Kaashi. The architectural elegance of the three lofty Gopurams of this temple is captivating. It is one of the important ancient pilgrimage centers of the Saivaites and so is famous all over the world. The place is also popular for Kalamkari art.


Sri means spider, Kala means snake and Hasti means elephant and these three animals are said to have worshipped Shiva and attained salvation at this place and so you could see the statues of all these three in the main shrine. This place is mentioned in Skanda Purana, Shiva Purana and Linga Purana. Some other places of interest here are Sri Durga Temple, Sri Subrahmanya Temple, Sri Kannappa Temple, Sri Pancha Mukeswara Temple, Sri Chakreswara Swamy Temple and Sri Dharmaraju Temple. 


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