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Talakona in Tirupati

Nerabailu, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh

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    Distance from Tirupati : 58 km;

    Time to Reach from Tirupati : 1 h, 23 m

Talakona Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Andhra Pradesh and this place is also noted for the Lord Siddeswara Swamy Temple that is situated closer to the waterfall. The dense forests and wildlife add attraction to this place. Due to its rich flora and fauna, this area has been announced as the biosphere reserve by the government. Some of the species of animals seen here are mouse deer, golden gecko, panther, porcupine, sambar, Indian giant squirrel and slender loris.


Talakona waterfall is noted for its beauty and elegance and you can reach it through the trekking route and this water passes through lot of herbs and so is considered to have healing properties. You have to walk along the rope walk amidst the monkeys and birds to reach it. The Shiva temple here attracts a number of devotees during Shivarathri festival. 


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