Abdominal Obesity In Ladies


Recent surveys say – Indian women are not interested in measurements. What’s the reason behind this? Abdominal obesity! It’s human nature to store fat in abdomen first. But does it mean we can store anything we like, leading to many serious problems in future? Definitely not! Fat bellies that have pet name, ‘pot belly’ is now common in ladies who have reached middle ages. According to recent reports, more than 50% of ladies do have this problem. It’s anxious not due to loss of figure and shape, but it’s a wrong signal to many diseases in future.


Though health clubs and fitness programs have seen a steep rise in the recent times, obesity has also increased many fold. New style living, junk food and lack of proper exercise are the reasons behind this. If you see abdominal obesity as just a beauty problem, you are ignoring many health hazards associated with it. High blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetics, heart problems and a lot of new generation diseases are waiting for you to eat! It’s equally dangerous as a drunkard or liver disease person.


Through good and healthy diet and proper exercise, it’s possible to restore everything, if you are willing to put some effort on it. Abdominal obesity is of two types – pear type and apple type. If we compare both, apple type is dangerous than pear type belly.


It’s possible to know if you have abdominal obesity. If your abdomen size is greater than 80 cm, then you have abdominal obesity. In the case of men, it’s 90cm. Fat deposits in humans are of two types - Subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is visible to us while visceral fat gets deposited around internal organs including heart and liver, extremely dangerous!


But through healthy food, it’s possible to make your belly fat. Give preference to fiber rich food like whole wheat, vegetables and fruits. Avoid maida, dalda and vanaspathy that can increase trans-fat of your body. White bread and white rice contain zero fibers, hence harmful to human health.


Cardiovascular exercises can burn a lot of calories. Cycling, jogging, dance and simple walk fall under this category. 15-30 cardio vascular (aerobic) exercise is also best. Continue it regularly for a long time to get better results.


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Keywords :
Abdominal obesity in ladies , solution to Abdominal obesity in ladies , causes of obesity


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