Trends change fast. Earlier ladies never go to hospitals for delivery or necessary checkups. They used to seek the advice of elder ladies and most often, delivery is done at home itself with the help of ladies. Now those days have gone. Everyone is eager about the fetus, its health and future. Not only that, now importance has been gained to do some necessary checkups to assure that a lady is in full health to receive a kid. So through this column, let me give you a brief idea about those checkups that can be done before conceiving. It’s scientifically known as pre-pregnancy checkup. Such tests can result in the birth of a healthy baby free of physical and mental problems as some disorders may be transmitted through mother to next generation if not detected and treated properly.
If pre-pregnancy checkup is conducted it’s possible to know if the lady has symptoms of HIV, Hepatitis-B and C, anemia, thyroid problems, genetic disorders or any other sexually transmitted disease. Though the tests are not compulsory, if the parents are detected to have AIDS, it’s better not to have a kid. Also, if the lady is detected with thyroid problems, she can take thyroid medicines so that her baby will be born free of thyroid problems. Now baby plan packages are available in big hospitals that contain a series of tests. Such checkup packages are available through home health services also.
Now let me give you a brief sketch on checkups that can be done. Blood group detection, V.D.R.L to detect sexually transmitted diseases, TSH for ladies, Torch 4 IgM to detect German measles and similar viral infections, H.B.S.A.G for Hepatitis B, Anti H.C.P for Hepatitis C, HIV test, hemoglobin studies to detect its problems and Karyotyping test to detect genetic disorders earlier. Now we are living in an unsafe world filled with many unknown diseases and disease germs. Also modern life style of living is giving new reasons for new diseases to be detected. So it’s always safe to go through pre-pregnancy checkup so that you can avoid many complications later and do the best for your baby.
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Keywords :
Pre-pregnancy checkup
Pre-pregnancy checkup for ladies
important of Pre-pregnancy checkup