There are mainly three categories of chocolate. They are:
1. Dark chocolate
2. White chocolate
3. Milk chocolate
The main ingredient of chocolate is cocoa powder. It contains a large amount of nutrients. These nutrients are retained unless cream, sugar and high fat milk are added to it. The nutritional value of white chocolate is the least as cocoa powder present in this type is very less. Though milk chocolate contains a lot of milk cream and sugar, still it has more nutritional value than white chocolate. Dark chocolate is made up of 70-80% solid cocoa, so it has the most nutritional value.
Advantages of chocolate:
- There are two types of saturated acid and one type of unsaturated acid present in cocoa beans. They are – palmitic acid and stearic acid (saturated) and wailic acid (unsaturated). These help to increase good cholesterol HDL and decrease bad cholesterol LDL.
- Polyfewnals is present with anti oxidant in cocoa beans. It’s called the flabnoides. This anti oxidant flabnoides prevents our body from heart diseases, blood clotting and stroke.
- Sugar content is present in chocolate. So if a piece of chocolate is given to a sugar patient after fall of sugar level, it rapidly increases sugar level.
- Rick factor become low due to cholesterol and blood pressure is under control.
- Some experts think that chocolate resists cancer.
- Plenty of essential element and nutrients is present in chocolates, i.e. iron, calcium, potassium and vitamins (A, B1, C, D, E, etc), etc. Due to presence of magnesium in cocoa beans, it controls and protects our body from blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetic’s problem, joint pain, and premenstrual syndrome.
- Chocolate controls or prevents our cell damages.
- Chocolate (anti oxidant) decreases radicals and wrinkles which prevents becoming old at an early age.
- Modern scientists believe dark chocolate increases our brain activity.
- Serotonin present in cocoa powder helps to control our moods and decrease depression.
- Presence of thewbromin in chocolate, relief and prevent from cough.
- Chocolate increases blood circulation in our head and prevent us from weakness and sleepless.
Disadvantage of chocolates:
- Chocolate is a high calorific food. In this way it is not easily digested. So gastritis’s patient should be alert not to take this food.
- Excessive eating of chocolate is harmful for insomnia patient.
- Plenty of chocolate eating is one of the main causes of obesity of a child.
- Sometimes fusion chocolate is added to yeast as a preservative but it is not used to maintain the ratio scientifically, then it will be harmful.
- Cheap chocolate is always harmful due to extra added sugar and other chemicals.
Every time wash the mouth after eating chocolate otherwise it can cause cavity and plague.
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