The term collection agency defines an agency which deals with debt collection. Debt collection is not an easy task and sometimes businesses suffer a lot due to past due accounts. When you lend someone money you expect them to pay it back after a mutually agreed upon time that too with a certain amount of interest. But what if that person or organization refuses to or simply couldn’t pay it back. This is where collection agencies come into the scenario, they offer their collection services so that you could obtain your receivable amount fast in a short span of time.
Collection Agencies in USA: There collection agencies in USA are increasing in number with every passing day. Some of them even have their own specialties. Owing to this fact, the Americans have a lot of choices to choose from when it comes to selecting the right collection agency. The first bifurcation is on the basis of locality of you and the person or business owing you money. On this basis you can choose either local agencies or government agencies. The collection services of different agencies have different methodology while pursuing past due date accounts for amount receivable. This methodology is also depended on the fact that what kind of debt collection program you are choosing along with the number of accounts and the type of account. Letter and telephone campaigns are the simplest form of processes that a collection agency acquires in order to kick start the debt collection process.
Once you have registered your debtor with the agency, the company will start to make phone calls to the debtor regarding the overdue debt. After a certain period of time, written overdue notices will also be sent to the debtor to make him understand the seriousness of the situation. Some agencies are try to make credit report about the debtors on the basis of past due accounts. Any program that you choose will entail your goals and needs and requirements. You can customize the collection service provided according to your need and desire.
Fees of Collection Agencies: Different agencies follow a different way of fee or payment. Some prefer to offer their services on a flat fee basis while the other one chooses to get paid on the basis of contingency fees. The flat fee payment plan has one disadvantage that is the client would have to pay the money upfront to the collection agency even if they fail to collect the debt. This makes flat fee payment mechanism quite risky and expensive. On the other hand, contingency fee payment is a very flexible option for a client as it does not have any upfront cost. You will pay only when you have received successful results and the debt has been successfully collected by the agency. This is because in this fee plan the collection agency receives a particular percentage of amounts from the money recovered. Both fee plans have their own pros and cons and generally depend on the situation.
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Keywords :
Collection Agency
recovery collection
Debt Services
collection company