Family is the first place where any one including children learn many things. We learn something about dos and don’ts also.
But what is family? A family consisting of grand parents and partents and childrem, uncle, unties and their children live together. It is called temple and where all needs of everybody fulfilled. Love and respect are two pillar on which a family can stand peacefully and happily.
In a family seniors earn, mother cooks and grandparents help in many activities and sometimes they also share their experience with others. Children studies and builds their carrier. Among these we share our works and help each other to live happily. A child can learn the value of moralities and value of manners from their family. In some family children learn the traditional works also from the seniors.
Generally families are two types. Joint family and nuclear family. In joint family grand parents and parents and children, uncle, untie and their children live and under one roof . Nuclear family consists of parents and children only. So the size of nuclear family is very small. Now a day’s joint family is rare to see. There are some advantages and disadvantages in joint family. Some times people live in a nuclear family as there is no another way and scope. Due to migration or education of children, they are forced to make a nuclear family and here also some advantages and disadvantages.
Now to make a family happy , we should share our happiness and also sorrow with others. We should take part in every social ceremony also. We have some responsibilities also towards our family. We should take care to our elders and especially to grand parents. Our children learn everything from us, even they follow us also. So we should keep a good instance so that they can think us as a role model. We should help in every household works also. The works of housewives are also important. They give birth children as well as they maintain all sides of a house. We should take advice from our seniors as they always good things for us.
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Family and its importance.