The sixth sense can work wonders for girls
The fact is that girls have very good sixth sense and they can tell intentions of men just by looking into their eyes. It is a God given gift to them to understand about intentions of a touch or a glance without much problem. Girls therefore should back out as soon as they find some one with malafide intentions to save themselves from bad happenings.
There are so many instances coming up of such incidents at work place where men are trying to take advantages of their post and power, which all begins at a lighter mood that is part of the office routine with so many job opportunities and both genders working together. Your good wishes, compliments or praises, which are part of the work culture these days if taken for wrong intentions, can, cause havoc ultimately. There are also cases of over reaction from other party or some times the standard of the remarks are too cheap, which can cause bad tempers and harassments.
Other reasons
There are certain other reasons for development of complicated personalities, especially the women become worse affected, while young children try to imitate their parents and if their families do not support them properly their mind certainly turn toward destructive ideas and as I said women enjoy harassing their male counterparts, gain an ‘one-up’ feeling that thrills them to the core. This is a complicated psychological issue though and we do not see many women in this category but you cannot deny the fact that such women always existed in our society and increasing at a great rate.
Not with female only
This situation can arise with males as well females also. As a normal case and the way our vocabulary is adding new words every day and the words considered cheap and provoking are no more considered. For instance if a coworker gave a compliment to girl saying that she was ‘looking hot’ or ‘looking sexy’ does not make much difference any more as the girl smiles and accepts as part of routine comments. However if the girl took it as a bad comment, she would feel bad and brand it as a harassment. There is a very thin line between a bad comment and compliment and that too depending upon the relations between the two, the giver and the taker.
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Sixth sense
Good wishes