Importance Of Knowing Your Mother Tongue


It is very important for us to know as many languages as possible and I have already written an article on this but one thing most people don’t realize is that in their zeal to learn other languages they tend to forget their own and this is not a very good thing. The language that you were born into is known as your mother tongue and there is a reason for that. The reason is that it is the most important language. It is the language that forms the crux of what you are and it is important to hold on to.


Most people think it is enough if you are good at English since that is the language that matters in a universal context. But is that true? You might go to other countries for higher studies and you might get involved in it so much that you might lose sight of what is important but that is never a good thing. Temporarily it might seem to be good but in the long run it only serves to create a conflict in your own mind.


One must realize that he would be nowhere if he hadn’t learnt his mother tongue in the first place. These days most Indian parents who live abroad don’t teach their kids their mother tongue but each and everyone have the right to know their mother tongue. It appeals to your innate senses. When you think about something you think only in terms of your mother tongue. No matter how many languages you have learnt over the course of your life the original language that you were first taught forms the basis of whatever else you have subsequently learned in life.


Staying in touch with your roots language is very important and in this day and age this has been completely forgotten and this line of thought has ceased to exist and that is always a bad thing. So I cannot stress this enough. It has to be made aware to everyone about its importance and it should be done when you are a child itself. If not then it will be late.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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English , unviersal


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