My country is best tourist place in the world -
Although I have traveled in three continents so far but found Asia, especially my own country as best destination for traveling purpose. I do not say other continents are not worth but nothing compared to Asia. And that is obvious because I know the places better than any other continent.
We have beautiful beaches here as good as anywhere in the world, the best hill resorts and animal parks. I like to go to these places according to seasons. But we have all season tourist spots in our country full of tourists from allover the world.
We are no good planners
Actually, we lack in just one quality and that is the main reason for we are not right there on the top of tourist map- we do not know good marketing strategies and our government is not serious in its efforts. I am sure if these points taken into account, there was no stopping us.
There are many sanctuaries and parks in India like, Kuch Desert, Nagarjunsagar Srisailam, Gir, Pakhui, Simplipal, Narayan Sarovar, Banarghatta, and Kaziranga and there are more than Five hundred and fifty of officially registered and protected forests and out of these twenty-eight are "under project tiger".
We can still attract more tourists
We still lead the field with wonderful tourist spots scattered allover the places, deserts, hills, sea-beaches and what not- east or west, India is best. I know with our kind of resources, we can do wonders, but for the lack of awareness, we are legging behind.
I have seen them all
I have traveled all over the Himalayas on foot, bike, and car, whatever I could manage while traveling there. I have traveled from Sikkim to Nepal and from UP to Bihar in every possible way. I took an assignment as an engineer to complete few army projects in Kashmir during Kargil war. I managed a few bridges while walked through the mysterious places where even local people were afraid to go. I have traveled through allover south India, eastern states including cluster of famous seven states otherwise people from our parts of the country do not want to travel due to lack of awareness. . I loved to go to places for sheer love of nature, great lover of Mother Nature.
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Mother Nture