What is the Use of Addressing?
As all of us know that to distinguish the houses from each other so that the person who is searching your home can recognise and reach up to easily, we require address. In the same way, in any network, the entire computer requires a unique IP address so that the host computer can easily send the data to the required destination. IP address is allocated to all the computers connected in a network. While we communicating with someone else on internet we use this unique IP address.
All computers can understand either 32-bit 0r 64-bit binary number, which is known as IP address. All of us know that binary numbers are the collection of 1s and 0s. It is extremely difficult for human being to remember. To make it easy so that everyone can remember, it is expressed in decimal notation like
An IP address consists of four groups and each one is separated from others by dot. Generally these groups are known as octets. The value of each octet in decimal figure lies from 0 to 255. Each octet consists of 8 bits which have the binary value either 1 or 0.
An IP address of a computer is just the combination of two IDs which are known as network ID and host ID.
What is the use of IP ADDRESS?
IP address is used to recognise the computer, area and network where it is located. The main purpose of the IP address is to send the require data to the exact address. Most of the crime detectors and computer specialist use the IP address to trace the area of crime. It is used to trace the hackers and sender of spam and unwanted illegal mails.
How does Hackers use the IP ADDRESS?
Though IP address is unique address, still some hackers uses someone else IP address for crime. In such cases they send electronic mails by using someone else IP address. It is quite impossible to catch such person. To avoid such situation, it is necessary to install firewall so that no one can enter in out computer through open port.
Continue to read Internet Addressing -2
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IP address