Most recently death of Jiah Khan shocked everyone in the Bollywood industry. She made a magic debut pairing with the megastar Amitabh Bachchan and her second project was with Aamir Khan – Ghajani. After doing a bikini scene for a song in Houseful, she faded from film viewers’ memory forever till she was back in news after her death. Same was the case of glamorous queen of Bollywood Vimi, a married woman and a mother who made a magical debut with B. R. Chopra’s blockbuster Humraaz. It’s widely regarded that she became too fashion conscious that it killed her career. When she concentrated most on her makeup and costumes, she forgot to polish her acting skills which paved her early exit. Once she was surrounded by fans, but she died at a general ward of a hospital in Mumbai with zero pennies left at the age of 39. No one from film industry attended her funeral too. More or less, Jiah and Vimi were equal in many attributes and they tried their level best till the end of their journey to get a dream start once again, though couldn’t succeed.
It’s not the case of one Jiah or Vimi, but cases are many, though they may not have reached a tragic climax like a film script. Through this article, I would like to pick a few more names who made a magical kick off in Bollywood though couldn’t succeed. If I try to remember heroines of 1990’s and 2000’s, two beauties of course come in my mind – Amisha Patel and Mahima Chaudhary. A magical start in Subhash Ghai’s movie opposite Shah Rukh Khan, what else is needed? But Mahima’s success was only short lived. After Dil kya kare and Daag, she lost the track forever. Same is the case of Amisha. She had a magic debut with Hrithik in Kaho na pyar hai. Not only did she get the credit of the movie, later too she couldn’t get much meaty roles. Except all-time blockbuster movie Gaddhar: Ek prem katha and Humraaz, in the past 13 years or so, she couldn’t make big contributions to Bollywood.
Now let me move on to heroes. Two names of course come in my mind – Jubilee Kumar’s son Kumar Gaurav and Rahul Roy. Kumar had a magical launch in Bollywood with 1981 movie – Love story. His style and hair cut were craze in colleges. After Naam, he was not seen anywhere. Rahul Roy’s most memorable role is of course Aashique. He was a favourite of Mahesh Bhatt camp. Yet with the rise of Khans of Bollywood, he disappeared from the screens. Mandakini, Bhagyashree, Ayesha Julka, Bhumika Chawla, Suman Ranganathan, Madhoo, Mamta Kulkarni, Pooja Batra, Priya Gill, Priyanshu Chatterjee, Dino Morea, sandal Sinha …..names in the list never end here.
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Keywords :
Unsuccessful actors
unsuccessful career Bollywood