In the vast majority of cases, prenatal diagnosis yields the results that parents hope for- that all is well with their baby to be. But when the news isn’t good when something does turn out to be wrong with their baby the information provided by such a heart breaking diagnosis can still be valuable to parents. Teamed with expert genetic counseling, it can be used to make vital decisions about this and future pregnancies. Possible options include:
Continuing the pregnancy: This option is often chosen when the defect uncovered is one the couple feels that both they and the baby they’re expecting can live with, or when the parents are opposed to abortion under any circumstance. Having some idea of what is to come allows parents to make preparations for receiving a child with special needs into the family, or for coping with the inevitable loss of a child. Parents can also begin working through the reactions that can come with discovering their baby has a problem, rather than waiting until after delivery. They can learn about the particular problem in advance and prepare to ensure the best possible life for their child. Joining a support group even one online can help make coping somewhat easier.
Terminating Pregnancy: If testing suggests a defect that will be fatal or extremely disabling and retesting and interpretation by a genetic counselor confirms the diagnosis, come parents opt to terminate the pregnancy. Should you decide to terminate, an autopsy, in which fetal tissue is carefully examined afterward, may be helpful in determining the chances that the abnormality will repeat in future pregnancies? Most couples, armed with this information and the guidance of a physician or genetic counselor, do try again, with the hope that the tests and the pregnancy will be completely normal next time around. And most often they are.
Prenatal treatment of the fetus: Treatment may consist of blood transfusion, shunts or surgery or administration of enzymes or medications. As technology advances, more kinds of prenatal surgery, genetic manipulation and other treatments may also become common.
Donating the organs: If diagnosis indicates that the fetal defects are not compatible with life, it may be possible to donate one or more healthy organs to an infant in need. Some parents find that this provides some consolation for their own loss. A maternal-fetal specialist or neonatologist may be able to provide helpful information in such a situation.
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