Search Engine Optimization


How search Engine optimization was found?

Earlier, people tried to search information through internet but they could not get their required information in a proper manner. So they could not obtain proper information. Then they decided to find a method to obtain the users required information in an easy manner. So finally the search engine concepts were found.

What is Search Engine optimization?

Search Engine optimization is getting visibility and traffic for a particular website to appear in top positions in the search engine for a desired keyword. Everyone prefers Google search Engine for having their desired information and most of the optimizer believes it is the best search engine because when we submit a website to Google, our website gets indexed soon in the Google search engine.

SEO is completely depends up on keywords only. Most of the people do not know what a keyword is and what a SEO is. They feel that we can get our website top position in Google for whatever keyword we type in a Google search Box. But they are completely wrong. We cannot do search engine optimization for any kind of keyword and if we do also, it comes under spamming and our site will be blocked by the Google search Engine. So we should be more careful while choosing a keyword for the website which we are optimizing. Because once your website is blocked it takes some days, months and even years to recover it and get back to index it into the search Engine.

Let us clearly discuss about this keyword and website top position in Google search engine. For example, your website is about ‘fine arts’. Then you need to choose a keyword related to fine arts like fine arts, sweet home ideas, learn fine arts etc. while booking a domain try to include a good keyword in it like so that after optimizing this website with search engine optimization then whenever an end user type a keywords fine arts or sweet home ideas or learn fine arts and any other keywords related to your website then your website will appear at first position. As end users prefer to browse top 10 websites which appear in the search engine.

Article Posted By : sarala smileylView All Articles


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Keywords :
search engine optimization , seo , history of search engine optimization , keyword optimization


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