“My never-failing friends are they,
With whom I converse day by day.”
Yes books are my never-failing friends and with a book in my hand I ask for nothing else. Books have a special appeal for me as I am an avid reader.
Recently I have read a particular book, which has become the favourite of many children. I have already read it three times. The book is none other than Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. Though there are many parts of Harry Potter’s books, I like this one the best. Nevertheless, I find this one quite thrilling and interesting. The story is about a bespectacled likeable boy-wizard, coping with extraordinary magical powers and often alarming circumstances in which he finds himself. Lord Voldemorte, the most evil wizard of the country kills Harry’s parents. Harry Potter takes admission to Hoggart’s School of Witchcraft. There, many adventures take place. Voldemorte comes to the school to confront Harry. In the end we see that evil Voldemorte puts the Philosopher’s Stone in Harry’s pocket to put him in danger. But Harry is ultimately saved by Dumble Door, the Headmaster of Hoggart’s School.
In the story, The Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone, there are goblins, wizards, witches, and magic. The adventures of Harry Potter and the presence of dragons, half horse, half man, school, teachers, and friends – all are represented in a very humorous way. As I continue reading this book, The Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone, I find myself transported to the very world of Fairy Tales, romance, love, and fantasy. The fight between Harry and Voldemorte represents the conflict between Good and Evil, Gods and Demons. We, especially I, want Harry, the good, to win over the evil wizard, who is none other than Lord Voldemorte. The more I read this book I come across thousands of new words that I add to my vocabulary and start understanding the story better and better.
I like this book, The Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone, because this is absolutely different from the traditional stories. As I turn the pages, it makes me smile, gets me involved in the problems of Harry. Magic always charms me and as I sleep with this book under my pillow, in my dream I find myself in the land of Harry Potter and the Wizards.
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The Book I Like Most