B. R. Ambedkar Biography 
B. R. Ambedkar is an Indian politician and philosopher. He is also called as Babasaheb and he is also an economist, scholar and Buddhist activist. He served as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution. He was born in a discriminated caste and dedicated his life to remove social discrimination. He was awarded Bharat Ratna award after his death in 1990.
B. R. Ambedkar was born on 14th April 1891 in Mhow in the Central Provinces of Madhya Pradesh. He was the 14th child of Ramji Maloji Sakpal and Bhimabai. He belonged to the Mahar caste and people of that caste were considered as untouchables. His father worked for Indian Army. During his school days, B. R. Ambedkar was not allowed to sit with other students. He was not allowed to touch the water in the school. His mother died when he was a child and they moved to Satara.
His original name was Bhimrao Sakpal Ambavadekar and his Brahmin teacher Mahadev Ambedkar who was fond of him changed his name to Ambedkar. He got married to Ramabai a nine year old girl from Dapoli in 1903 and the family moved to Mumbai. He studied at Government High School after passing his matriculation examination in 1907, he entered University of Bombay. He studied at Elphinstone College and got his degree in economics and political science. His first son Yashwant was born at that time.
He joined Political Department of the Columbia University as a post graduate student. He passed his M. A. exams in 1913. In 1916 he joined Gray’s Inn to study Law and London School of Economics and Political Science to study economics and there he worked for his doctorate degree. He served as the Military Secretary to the Gaikwar of Baroda.
He started an organization, Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha for the social and educational uplifting of the depressed classes. He fought for the rights of the untouchable community to lift water from the main water tank of the town. Due to his works he was invited to attend the Second Round Tab le Conference in London in 1932. In 1935 he was appointed as the principal of Government Law College at Mumbai.
He founded Independent Labor Party in 1936 and won 15 seats in 1937 parliamentary elections. After independence of India he was appointed as the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee on 29th August 1947. He got converted into Buddhism on 14th October 1956 and attended World Buddhist Conference. He was suffering from diabetes and died on 6th December 1956 in Delhi.
Dr. Ambedkar was an atheist and did not believe in God.
Published: N/A
Updated: June 13, 2018