Daasarathi Krishnamacharyulu

Daasarathi Krishnamacharyulu

Views: 5220

Category: Literature , Social Work

Daasarathi Krishnamacharyulu Profile

  • Name:
  • Daasarathi Krishnamacharyulu
  • Born:
  • July 22, 1925

Daasarathi Krishnamacharyulu Biography

Daasarathi Krishnamacharyulu was a Telugu poet and writer who lived during the period, 1925–1987. He was also an activist who protested against Nizam’s princely rule of Hyderabad state. Timiramto Samaram is one among his major works which was awarded with Sahitya Academy Award for poetry in 1974. Also referred to as Aasthana Kavi of the Andhra Pradesh Government, he also received honorary titles such as Abhyudhaya kavi and Kalaprapurna. He was popularly known as Daasarathi. He was an activist who was a volunteer in the left-wing Andhra Mahasabha movement. He also owned leftist ideologies, modelled with his close friends circle.


Krishnamacharyulu Dasarathi was born as Daasarathi on 22 July 1925 into a Telugu speaking middle-class family. Noted Telugu writer Dasaradhi Rangacharya was his brother. He was an erudite scholar of Hindu Puranas, and was well-versed in languages such as Sanskrit, Telugu and Tamil. He studied till matriculation. As a sort of protest against the autocratic Nizam rule in the Hyderabad Kingdom, he gave up studies. He was also associated with left-wing activism during his younger days. He started writing Telugu poems at a very young age. Most of his poems have revolutionary writing style as well as influences of leftist ideologies, he was affiliated to.


Though he was inspired by national leaders, Mahatma Gandhi and Kandukuri Veeresalingam, he followed leftist ideologies. After the Independence of India in 1947, Hyderabad State was still under the autocratic rule of the then ruler Mir Osman Ali Khan, while unification process was going on. He was among the leaders who protested against this move, and got arrested in 1947. He was sent to Warangal central jail, where he continued writing. After democratic rule was established in Hyderabad, Dasarathi had a brief political career in Andhra Pradesh. He also penned lyrics for a few Telugu movies.

Published: October 06, 2018

Updated: October 06, 2018

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