Dwijendranath Tagore

Dwijendranath Tagore

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Category: Literature

Dwijendranath Tagore Profile

  • Name:
  • Dwijendranath Tagore
  • Died:
  • January 26, 1926
  • Father:
  • Debendranath Tagore
  • Spouse:
  • Sarbasundari Devi

Dwijendranath Tagore Biography

Dwijendranath Tagore, an integral member of the great Tagore family of Bengal was known as a poet, song composer, philosopher, mathematician, and a pioneer in Bengali shorthand and musical notations. He was the elder son of Debendranath Tagore and grandson of Dwarkanath Tagore of the Jorasanko branch of the Tagore family. Among his siblings, Satyendranath Tagore, Hemendranath Tagore, Jyotirindranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore and Swarnakumari Tagore played a significant role in the Bengal renaissance of 19th century. These extra ordinary talented siblings belonged to art, literature, music, religious and social activities fields. Among his cousins, Gagendranath Tagore was a noted a musician and theatre personality. Gaganendranath Tagore and Abanindranath Tagore, the noted painters were his nephews.


Dwijendranath Tagore was born in Kolkata on March 11, 1840. When other members of the family started accepting modern culture, he firmly believed in traditional old values. He was very close to his next brother Satyendranath. He got his primary education within the family. He was a simple man who was active with poetry, acquiring knowledge and conducting various experiments. He was married to Sarbasundari Devi. Though he lost his wife at a younger age, he remained widower throughout his life.


Bengali translation of Kalidasa’s classical Sanskrit work Meghaduta in 1860 was his first literal contribution to Bengal. It was the first translation of a Sanskrit work to Bengali. He was 20 year old then. He finished this work long before his younger brother, Rabindranath Tagore was born! His second great work of poetry - Swapnaprayan, published in 1875 was a trend-setter and still popular for its historic value. He had a successful association with Michael Madhusudan in theatre work for 6 years. Noted plays - Tilottama (1859), Padmavati (1860), Meghnadbadh Kavya (1861), Vrajangana (1861), Krishnakumari (1861) and Virangana (1862) were born in this association.


Though extra talented, he was a disorganised person who never organized his completed works. As a philosopher, Tattwabidya ("Knowledge of Principles") in 3 volumes is his noted work. Adwaita Mater Samalochana and Aryadharma O Boudhya Dharmer Ghat-Protighat also need special mention. He has also served as the editor of Tattwabodhini Patrika for 25 years and was founder of Hitabadi. Dwijendranath spent the last twenty years of his life at Santiniketan, close to nature and busy in reading and writing.

Published: N/A

Updated: January 07, 2014

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