Kuttikrishna Marar

Kuttikrishna Marar

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Category: Literature

Kuttikrishna Marar Profile

  • Name:
  • Kuttikrishna Marar
  • Born:
  • June 14, 1900
  • Died:
  • April 6, 1974

Kuttikrishna Marar Biography

Kuttikrishna Marar was a great writer from Pattambi, Kerala. He was popularly known as an essayist. He was a powerful critic who criticized anything he found wrong. A critical study of the Mahabharata is the best example that can be quoted here. This single book earned him many honours and it has been included as a part of the ICSE syllabus with exams being based on it. He is the receiver of Kendra Sahitya Academy Award (Malayalam) in 1966. He has also received M. P. Paul Award and Kerala Sahithya Academy Award. 'Sahithya Ratnam' from Pattambi Sree Neelakanda Sanskrit College and 'Sahithya nipunan' award from Thrippunithura Sanskrit college are other achievements of Kuttikrishna Marar.


His important works include – Rajankanam (collection of studies on some famous literary works in Malayalam), Viswamithran (Puranic story of Viswamithra retold for children in Malayalam), Geetha Parikramanam (Essays on Bhagavad Gita), Bhaja Govindam (Adi Sankara's Sanskrit classic Bhaja Govindam translated into Malayalam ), Inguninnangolam (Collection of essays on Malayalam language and literature), Saranagathi (Spiritual essays in 3 Volumes), Raghuvamsam (Commentary of Kalidas’ Raghuvamsam by Marar), Sahithya Sallapam (Discussion on literature), Pathinanchu Upanyasam (Essays collection), Bhashaparichayam, Charchayogam (Collection of literary essays), Sahithya Veekshanam(Collection of literary essays), Mararude Kathukal (Collection of letters), Danthagopuram (Literary criticism), Nizhalattam (Collection of poems and plays ), Bharathaparyatanam (A critic study), Sahithyasesham (Collection of literary essays), Sahithya Paryatanam (Literary essays), Jeevichirunna (Play), Nalacharithathiloote (Collection of essays), Rishi Prasadam (Collection of spiritual essays ) and Palarum Palathum (Collection of essays).


Kuttikrishna Marar was born in Pattambi on 14 June 1900. He passed the Sahityashiromani exam from the Samskrita College in Pattambi. His career started as Sahitya Acharya in Kerala Kalamandalam, Cheruthuruthi Thrissur. For 15 years he was with Mahakavi Vallathol Narayana Menon, founder of Kerala Kalamandalam and published many of his writings. From 1938 to 1961, he worked as proof reader of Mathrubhumi newspaper. For his single work "Kala Jeevitham Thanne", he won Kerala Sahithya Academy Award, Kendra Sahithya Academy Award and M.P. Paul Prize. He died on April 6, 1974 aged 73.

Published: N/A

Updated: October 24, 2013

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