V Shanta

V Shanta

Views: 13496

Category: Science

V Shanta Profile

  • Name:
  • V Shanta
  • Born:
  • March 11, 1927
  • Awards:
  • Magsaysay Award

    Padma Shri

V Shanta Biography

V Shanta is an Indian physician who is a specialist in treating cancer. She is the chairperson of Adyar Cancer Institute at Chennai. She is doing extensive research in this file to cure the disease. She was given due recognition for her service and her contribution to the field of medicine by awarding her Padma Shri and Magsaysay Award.


She was born on 11th March 1927 at Mylapore in Chennai in a well educated family. Many academicians and scientists like C. V. Raman and S. Chandrasekar were born into her family. She studied at National Girls High School which is now called as P. S. Sivaswamy Higher Secondary School. It was the dream of her younger days to become a doctor. She finished her graduation from Madras Medical College in the year 1949 and completed her M.D. in 1955.


She went through the Public Service Commission examination and she was appointed in the Women and Children Hospital. But she forwent the job and she joined the Cancer Institute set up by Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy in the year 1954.


The institute started to function with a small building and two doctors, Dr. Shanta and Dr. Krishnamurthi. She was working there for three years as honorary staff without any payment and after that she got a pay of Rs. 200 and was given residence inside the campus. She shifted to the campus in 13th April 1955 and is still living there.


She served as the director of the institution from 1980 to 1997. She was appointed as the member of the WHO’s advisory committee and served in many national level and global level organizations on health and medicine.


She was called from the Philippines to say that she has been selected for Ramon Magsaysay Award. She was a proud and happy winner of this award. The cancer center is serving its patients with relentless service at the subsided rates due to her efforts bringing light to the families of many cancer afflicted persons. 

Published: N/A

Updated: September 22, 2011

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