Area: 8440 square kilometers
Density of population: 228 people per square kilometer
Literacy Rate: 60.46 % - Male: 71.35 %, Female: 49.56 %
Male Female Ratio: 1000:992
Boundaries of Raichur District
North: Yadgir District, Karnataka
North West: Bijapur District and Bagalkot District, Karnataka
South: Bellary District, Karnataka
East: Mahabubnagar District and Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh
West: Koppal District, Karnataka
Raichur District Average Rainfall: 681 mm
Raichur District Average Temperature in Summer: 31 deg C
Raichur District Average Temperature in Winter: 14 deg C
Major Rivers: River Tungabhadra, River Krishna
Taluks: Devadurga, Lingsugur, Manvi, Raichur, Sindhanur
Assembly Constituencies: Devedurga, Raichur, Manvi, Lingsugur, Maski, Sindhanur
Raichur District Nearby Attractions
1. The Hill Fort of Raichur
2. Pir Sailani Shah Tomb
3. Ramagadde
4. Roudkunda
5. Mudgal
6. Chitadel or Bala Hisar
Raichur District Facts: Gold resources are present here. 1, 60, 000 hectares are under paddy cultivation and this district is considered as the Rice Bowl of India. There are more than 100 rice mills located here. There are 7 railway stations in this district.
Major Sectors: Steel and Minerals, food processing, building materials, mechanical, mining, information technology
Major Agricultural Products: Groundnuts, sun flower, cotton, chilli, gram, bajra, wheat, maize, jowar, paddy,
Major Industries: Mysore Petrochemicals Ltd, The Hutti Gold Mines Company Ltd, Vishal Cotspin Ltd, Narayan Power Company Pvt Ltd, Raichur Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, Surana Industries Ltd, Shilpa Medicare Ltd
Major Educational Institutions: Academy of Medical Education’s Dental College and Hospital, Kondu Saraswatamma Hanumantaiah College of Education, Laxmi Venkatesh Desai College, NET Pharmacy College, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, S. L. N. College of Engineering, Infant Jesus D. Ed College
Mineral Resources: Gold, copper, iron, feldspar, granite, sandstone, quartz, limestone
What is Raichur District Famous For: Raichur Fort
Famous People From Raichur District: Gopala Dasa, Vijaya Dasa, Sharan Patil, S. S. Rajamouli, K. Virupaxappa, Mohammad Badshah Qadri, Kollur Mallappa, A. Venkatesh Naik
Last Updated : Thursday Jun 14 , 2012