Date of formation: The Garo Hills District was split and reorganized and East Garo Hills District was formed in 1976.
Area: 2603 square kilometers
Density of population: 122 people per square kilometer
Literacy Rate: 75.51 % - Male: 79.56 %, Female: 71.32 %
Male Female Ratio: 1000:968
Boundaries of East Garo Hills District
North: Assam
South: West Garo Hills District, Meghalaya
East: West Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya
West: West Garo Hills District, Meghalaya
East Garo Hills District Average Rainfall: 2548 mm
East Garo Hills District Maximum Temperature in Summer: 27.91 deg C
East Garo Hills District Minimum Temperature in Winter: 17.50 deg C
Major Rivers: River Damring, Simsang River, Manda, Ildek, Didram, Damring
Blocks: Samanda, Songsak, Dambo-Rongjeng, Resubelpara, Kharkutta
Assembly Constituencies: Rongrenggiri, Rongjeng, Kharkutta, Songsak, Mendipathar, Resubelpara, Bajengdoba
East Garo Hills District Nearby Attractions
1. Tasek Lake
2. Rongbang Falls
3. Nokrek National Park
East Garo Hills District Facts: Guwahati in Assam is the nearest railway station. Meghalaya Transport Corporation runs regular buses connecting Williamnagar with Shillong, Tura and Guwahati.
Major Agricultural Products: Rubber, coffee, tea, cashew, yam, maize, jackfruit, chillies, ginger, turmeric, bay leaves
Major Industrial Products: Dairy farming, weaving, sericulture, basket making, bamboo working, carpentry, mining
Natural Resources: Coal, limestone, clay
Flora: Bamboo, Dendrocalamus Hamiltonii, Melocanna Bambusoides, Oxytenanthera Nigrociliata
Fauna: Elephants live in large number here
People: Rabhas, Hajongs, Koches, Dalus, Banais, Borois
What is East Garo Hills District Famous For: Elephants
Best Time To Visit: September to May
East Garo Hills District Pin Codes
Last Updated : Thursday Jun 14 , 2012