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Kovalam Beach in Thiruvananthapuram


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    Distance from Thiruvananthapuram : 16 km;

    Time to Reach from Thiruvananthapuram : 0 h, 20 m

Kovalam Beach is a beautiful place near the Kovalam village and is noted for its grove of coconut trees. It is called the paradise of the south and it started to become popular after the construction of the beach resort, Halcyon Castle by Maharani Sethu Lakshmi Bayi of Travancore in late 1920s. In seventies it was haunted by the hippies and this made this casual fishing village to be transformed into one of the important tourist places of India.


There are three beaches here spreading over its 17 kilometers long coastline. They are Lighthouse Beach, Hawah Beach, Samudra Beach. There are many beach resorts in and around Kovalam area and the tourists throng at the two larger beaches, Lighthouse beach and Hawah beach. The tourist season starts from September and continues till May.



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