Area: 2651 square kilometers
Density of Population: 232 people per square kilometer
Literacy Rate: 73.50 % - Male: 81.40 %, Female: 64.56 %
Male Female Ratio: 1000:877
Boundaries of Kathua District
North: Samba District, Udhampur District and Doda District, Jammu and Kashmir
South East: Himachal Pradesh
South West: Punjab
Kathua District Average Rainfall: 713.0 mm
Kathua District Average Temperature in Summer: 31.94 deg C
Kathua District Average Temperature in Winter: 11.76 deg C
Major Rivers: Ravi, Ujh, Sewa
Tehsils: Kathua, Hiranagar, Billawar, Bashohli, Bani
Blocks: Bani, Bhorthain, Bashohli, Billawar, Dungara, Hiranagar, Kathua, Logate, Malahar
Assembly Constituencies: Bani, Basohli, Kathua, Billawar, Hiranagar
Kathua District Nearby Attractions
1. Bani
2. Banjal
3. Chhatargalla
4. Duggan
5. Dhoula Wali Mata
6. Chandei
7. Panyalag
8. Dullangal
9. Sarthal
10. Jasrota Wildlife Sanctuary
Kathua District Facts: This is a Hindu majority district in Jammu and Kashmir with 91% of the people being Hindus. There are large number of Sufi shrines found here and so is also known as the city of Sufis.
Major Agricultural Products: Paddy, wheat, maize
Major Industrial Units: Chenab Textile Mills, Shiva Steel Rolling Mills, Aman Paper Mills, Shri Ram Foundary, Rans Enterprises, J and K Cement Corporation, Bharat Small Arms Pvt Ltd, Vickson Sports Industries, Varun Roller Mills, Chenab Agro Chem Ltd
Mineral Resources: Limestone, iron, gypsum, quartzide, bentonite, fullersearth, alum, clay
Fairs and Festivals: Lohri, Holi, Ramnavmi, Baisakhi, Maha Shivaratri, Id Ul Fitr, Basantpanchami, Raksha Bandhar, Janam Ashtami, Marty’s Day of Guru Arjun Dev, Mahanavami, Guru Ravi Dass’s Birthday, Diwali, Id-Ul-Zuha, Gandhi Jayanti, Guru Govind Singh’s Birthday
What is Kathua District Famous For: Basholi Paintings
Famous People From Kathua District: Chaudhary Lal Singh, Shesh Paul Vaid
Last Updated : Thursday Jun 14 , 2012