Certificate Journalism in India (4)
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Other Certificate Courses
- Accountancy
- Accounts of Trusts & Co-operative Society
- Adolescent Health and Counselling (CAHC)
- Advanced Java Programming
- Advanced Social Research Methodology
- Agro Chemical & Pest Management
- Agro Products Processing
- Air Ticketing and Computerized Reservation System
- Amoozish - e - Urdu
- Anaesthesia technician
- Applied Mathematics
- Arabic
- Arabic Language (CAL)
- Asthetic Dentistry
- Astronomy
- AYUSH Nursing (Ayurveda) (CAY)
- Banking
- Basic Accounting
- Basics of Capital Markets
- Bee Keeping (CIB)
- Binding and Finishing
- Bio-culture Techniques
- Bio-informatics
- Bioinformatics and Metabolomics
- Blood Banking Technology
- Business Communication
- Business Skills (CBS)
- C#
- Caregiver Training
- Carpenter
- Chemical Analysis
- Child Care and Management
- Childhood Special Education enabling inclusion - Mental Retardation (CESE-MR)
- Chinese Language (CCCL)
- Clinical Cardiology
- Clinical Course on Arbitration & Mediation
- Clinical Lab Technology
- Clinical Nutrition, Dietetics and Laboratory Techniques
- Commercial Broiler Farming (CCBF)
- Commercial Goat Rearing (CCGR)
- Commercial Methods of Chemical Analysis
- Communication English
- Communication Skill
- Competency Enhancement for ANM/FHW (CCEANM)
- Competency in Power Distribution (CCPD)
- Computer Applications
- Computer Financial Accounting
- Computer Hardware (CCH)
- Computer Networking (CCN)
- Computer Science
- Computerised Accounting
- Computerized Accounting and Tally Package
- Computing (CIC)
- Consumer Electronics
- Consumer Protection
- Consumer Protection (CCP)
- Cookery
- Corporate Laws
- Cosmetology
- Costume Designing and Fashion Skill
- Craft Course in Bakery
- Craft Course in Cookery
- Craft Course in Food & Beverage Service
- Critical Care Nursing
- Crucial Issues in Disaster Management
- Crystal Physics
- Cultivation and post harvest technology of oyster mushroom
- Customer Relations Management Expert (CRME)
- Cyber Laws
- Cyber Security
- Dance
- Desktop Publishing
- Diabetes Care for Community Worker (CDCW)
- Dietetics in weight management
- Digital Film Making (CDFM)
- Direct Taxes (Income Tax)
- Direction (Television)
- Disaster Counseling
- Disaster Management
- Domestic Appliances
- Draughtsman - Civil
- Draughtsman - Mechanical
- Early Childhood Special Education Enabling Inclusion - Cerebral Policy (CESE-CP)
- Early Childhood Special Education Enabling Inclusion - Hearing Impairment (CESE-HI)
- Early Childhood Special Education Enabling Inclusion - Visual Impairment (CESE-VI)
- Echo Techniques
- Educational Planning and Management
- Electric Maintenance
- Electrical House Wiring (CEW)
- Electrician
- Electronic Cinematography (Television)
- Electronic Instrumentation
- Empowering Women through Self Help Groups
- Endo dontics
- Energy Technology and Management (CETM)
- English
- English Communication
- Entrepreneurial Skills - Food Processing and Flower Arrangement
- Entrepreneurship (CIE)
- Environment & Industry
- Environment Management and Disaster Mitigation
- Environmental Studies (CES)
- Family Business Management
- Fashion and People
- Fashion Technology
- Feature Film Screenplay Writing
- Filter
- Flash
- Flower Decoration
- Food and Nutrition (CFN)
- Food Chemistry and Technology
- Food Nutrition & Health
- Food Safety (CFS)
- Forensic Science & Medical Jurisprudence
- French Language
- Functional English
- Functional English (CFE)
- Functional Sanskrit
- G-Tech Network Specialist
- Gandhian Thought
- General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM)
- German Language
- Gita
- Guidance (CIG)
- Hand Embroidery
- Handwork and Block Printing
- Hardware Maintenance
- Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
- Hebrew Language Study
- Herbal Cosmetics
- Hindi
- HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
- Home Based Health Care (CHBHC)
- Home Science
- Hotel Management & Catering Technology
- Human Rights (CHR)
- I.T. Security
- Identification,Cultivation & Conservation Of Medicinal Plants
- Implantology
- Income Tax Practicing
- Indian Culture
- Indian Music
- Indigenous Health Management
- Indirect Taxes(Central Excise & Service Tax)
- Industrial Chemistry
- Industrial Safety
- Information Technology (CIT)
- Instrumentation
- Insurance and Resource Management
- Insurance Risk Management
- International Air Travel Management / Air Travel & e-Ticketing
- Internet Technology and Webdesign
- IT-Enabled Medical Services
- Japanese Language (CJL)
- Journalism
- Jyothisham
- Kaizen Robotics Program
- Kathak
- Kokborok
- Korean
- Laboratory Management
- Laboratory Management & Analytical Techniques
- Laboratory Techniques
- Laboratory Technology
- Labour in Development
- Leather Goods Making (CLGM)
- Library and Information Science
- Library Automation
- Library Networking
- Linguistics
- Maintenance And Repairing of Audio-video Equipment (CMRAVE)
- Maintenance And Repairing of Electronic Domestic Appliances (CMREDA)
- Management of Industries
- Marketing
- Maternal and Child Health (CMCH)
- Mechanic - Diesel
- Mechanic - Refrigeration & Air Conditioner
- Mechanic - Tractor
- Mechanist
- Medical Lab Technology
- Medical Plant
- Medical Record Officer (M.R.O.)
- Medical Record Trainee (M.R.T.)
- Medical Social Worker
- Medical Transcription
- Medicinal Botany
- Micro Finance
- Mobile Phone Repairing (CMPR)
- Modern Spoken Persian
- Motor Cycle Service and Repair (CMSR)
- Multi-Functional English Skills
- Mushroom Cultivation
- New Born and Infant Care (CNIC)
- NGO Management (CNM)
- Nursing Assistant
- Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)
- Office Automation
- Office Management
- Office Suite and Web Application Development
- Oral & Maxillofacial
- Organic Farming (COF)
- Ornamental Fish Management
- Painter
- Participatory Forest Management
- PC Maintenance and Trouble Shooting
- Performing Arts
- Persian Language (CPL)
- Personnel Assessment and Management Technique for Business and Industry
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Photography
- Photoshop
- Physical Education
- Plant Protection
- Plant Tissue Culture
- Plumber
- Plumbing(Water Supply & Sanitary Installation)
- Polymers Chemistry & Processing
- Poultry Farming (CPF)
- Premierpro Film Editing
- Primary Care Paramedics
- Proficiency in French
- Quranic Studies
- Recombinant DNA Technology & Protein Overexpression
- Repair and Maintenance of Refrigeration and Air Conditioner (CRMRA)
- Repairing and Maintenance of Electrical Domestic Appliances
- Repairing Home Appliances
- Reproduction Photography Platemaking & Offset Printing
- Research Methodology
- Retail Management
- Retail Operations
- Rural Development (CRD)
- Russian Language
- Salesmanship
- Scientific Broiler Farming (CSBF)
- Scientific Duck Farming (CSDF)
- Scientific Layer Farming (CSLF)
- Scientific Piggery Farming (CSPF)
- Screen Printing
- Sensor Networks
- Sericulture
- Shoe Lasting & Finishing (CSLF)
- Shoe Upper Cutting (CSUC)
- Shoe Upper Stitching (CSUS)
- Short Film Analysis
- Skills for Insurance
- Social Perspectives in Disaster Management
- Social Work for Senior Citizens (SWSC)
- Soft Skills
- Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry
- Solid Waste Management
- Sound Recording and TV Engineering (Television)
- Spanish Language (CSL)
- Spoken English
- Spoken Hindi
- Sports Nutrition
- Sports Photography
- Standard Six-sigma Green Belt
- Statistical methods for data analysis
- Statistics
- Tahseen - e - Ghazal
- Tailoring
- Tamil Journalism
- Tax Consultancy
- Teaching of English (CTE)
- Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)
- Technical Writing
- Thai
- Theatre
- Tourism and Travel Management
- Tourism Studies (CTS)
- Translation Proficiency
- Travel and Tourism
- Travel Management
- Turner
- Two/Three Wheeler Repairing and Maintenance (CWRM)
- Urdu Khuskhati
- Urdu Language (CUL)
- Value Education (CPVE)
- VB
- Vedic Mathematics
- Vedic Studies
- Veena
- Vermi-Culture Technology
- Video Editing (Television)
- Violin
- Vocal
- Water Harvesting and Management (CWHM)
- Water Quality Analysis
- Web Designing
- Wedding and Event
- Welder - Gas & Electric
- Welding and Cutting (CWC)
- Wildlife and Travel
- Windows and OOPs using C++
- Women Through Self Help Groups
- Womens Health and Fitness
- Yoga