M.Sc. Electronic Sciences in India (5)
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- West Bengal (1)
Other M.Sc. Courses
- Actuarial Science
- Agri Horticulture
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- Agricultural Botany
- Agricultural Business Management
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Entomology
- Agricultural Extension
- Agricultural Husbandry
- Agricultural Microbiology
- Agricultural Processing Engineering
- Agricultural Statistics
- Agricultural Structures
- Agriculture
- Agro Energy
- Agrochemicals
- Agronomy
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anatomy
- Animal Biotechnology
- Animal Ecology & Wildlife Biology
- Animal Science
- Anthropology
- Apparels and Textiles
- Applied Biology
- Applied Chemistry
- Applied Econometrics
- Applied Electronics
- Applied Geo Sciences
- Applied Geochemistry
- Applied Geology
- Applied Geophysics
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Microbiology
- Applied Psychology
- Applied Statistics
- Applied Statistics & Information Technology
- Applied Zoology
- Aquaculture
- Astro Physics
- Astronomy
- Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology
- Aviation Management
- Beauty and Spa Management
- Bio Analitical Science
- Bio Chemistry
- Bio Resources Management
- Bio-Polymer Science
- Biochemical Technology
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Bioinformatics
- Biological Oceanography & Biodiversity
- Biological Science
- Biology
- Biomedical Instrumentation Science
- Biophysics
- Bioscience
- Biostatistics
- Biotechnology
- Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
- Botany
- Building Construction Technology
- Call Center Communication
- Catering and Hotel Management
- Centre for Earth Sciences
- Centre for Product Design & Manufacturing
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Technology
- Cheminformatics
- Chemistry
- Child Development and Child Nutrition
- Child Health Nursing
- Civil Engineering
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
- Clinical Research
- Clinical Trials
- Co-operative Management
- Coastal Aquaculture
- Colour Consultation
- Communication and Extension
- Communication Media For Children
- Community Health Nursing
- Computer
- Computer Science
- Computer Science & Information Technology
- Computer Science and Technology
- Computer Technology
- Counselling
- Counselling and Family Therapy
- Creative Designing (CAD/CAM)
- Criminology
- Criminology and Criminal Justice Science
- Dairy Science
- Dairying
- Development Economics
- Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition
- Dietetics and Food Service Management
- Disarmament Studies
- Disaster Management
- Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
- E.Media Communications
- Early Childhood Education
- Earth Remote Sensing & GeoInformation Technology
- Earth Sciences
- Eco Biotechnology
- Ecology and Environmental Science
- Economics
- Ecotourism
- Educational Technology
- Electrical
- Electro Chemistry
- Electronic Media
- Electronic Sciences
- Electronics
- Electronics and Communication
- Electronics and Instrumentation
- Embedded Systems Design
- Engineering Mathematics
- Engineering Physics & Instrumentation
- Engineering Sciences
- Entomology
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Environmental Psychology
- Environmental Remote sensing and GeoInformation Technology
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Environmental Technology
- Exploration Geophysics
- Extension
- Extension and Communication
- Farm Machinery and Power
- Fashion Design and Management
- Fashion Designing
- Fashion Merchandizing & Retail Management
- Fashion Technology
- Fiber Optics and Communication
- Fire Science
- Fisheries
- Food and Nutrition Sciences
- Food Chemistry and Food Processing
- Food Science & Technology
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Food Service Management and Dietetics
- Food Technology
- Foods and Nutrition
- Footwear Technology
- Foreign Trade Management
- Forensic Science
- Forest Management and Utilization
- Forestry
- Furniture Design
- Futurology
- Gemology
- Genetic Engineering
- Genetics
- Genetics and Plant Breeding
- Genomics
- Geo - Spatial Science and Technology
- Geo Informatics
- Geo Physics
- Geography
- Geological Sciences
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Geriatric Care
- Global Warming Reduction
- Green Buildings
- Green Business
- Green Technology
- Habitat and Population Studies
- Health Psychology
- Home Science
- Horticulture
- Horticulture, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
- Hospital Management
- Hotel Management and Catering Technology
- Human Anatomy
- Human Development
- Human Development and Family Development
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Human Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Human Nutrition
- Hydrochemistry
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Industrial Chemistry
- Industrial Drug Science
- Industrial Fisheries
- Industrial Mathematics & Informatics
- Industrial Microbiology
- Industrial Safety management
- Information Technology
- Information Technology and E-Commerce
- Information Technology and System Management
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Institutional Management
- Instrumentation
- Instrumentation and USIC
- Insurance Business
- Integrated Pharma
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Interior Design
- Jewellery Design
- Knowledge Management
- Landscaping
- Leather Goods & Accessories Design
- Library and Information Science
- Life Science
- Life Science & Bioinformatics
- Marine Biology
- Marine Biology & Oceanography
- Marine Biology and Oceanography
- Marine Biotechnology
- Marine Chemistry
- Marine Food Technology
- Marine Geology
- Marine Geophysics
- Marine Microbiology
- Marine Pharmacology
- Marine Science
- Marine Science and Ocean Management
- Master of Science
- Materials Management
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Mathematics & Computing
- Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- Mathematics with Information Technology
- Maths and Computer Application
- Maths with Computer Science
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Anatomy
- Medical Biochemistry
- Medical Biometrics & Information
- Medical Biotechnology
- Medical Lab Technology
- Medical Lab Technology - Cyto Pathology
- Medical Lab Technology - Microbiology
- Medical Microbiology
- Medical Microbiology & Applied Molecular Biology
- Medical Physics
- Medical Physiology
- Medical Sociology
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Medical Surgical Nursing Course
- Medical Transcription
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Medicinal Plants
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Nursing
- Meteorology
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Microbial Gene Technology
- Microbiology
- Microbiology and Applied Molecular Biology
- Microbiology and Bio-Energy
- Microelectronics and Advanced Communication
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
- Molecular Microbiology
- Multimedia and Animation
- Nano Science
- Nano-Science and Nano-Technology
- Nanobio Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Naturopathy and Yoga Sciences
- Networking
- Networking and Information Technology
- Neuro-Science
- NGO Management
- Nuclear Medicine Technology
- Nursing
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Ocean Remote Sensing and GIS
- Oceanography
- Oceanography and Coastal Area Studies
- Operations Research
- Optometry
- Organic Chemistry
- Organic Farming
- Paediatric Nursing
- Peace and Global Security
- Perfusion Technology
- Pest Management
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmacology
- Physical Oceanography & Ocean Modelling
- Physics
- Physiology
- Physiotheraphy
- Plant Biology and Biotechnology
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Breeding & Genetics
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Physiology
- Plant Protection
- Plant Science
- Police Administration
- Pollution Control
- Polymer Science
- Population Studies
- Production and Operations Management
- Programmes
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Quality Systems in Dairy Processing
- Radiological Physics
- Radiology and Imaging Technology
- Real Estate Management and Development
- Remote Sensing Technology and Geographic Information Systems
- Renal Science and Dialysis Technology
- Renal Sciences and Dialysis Technology
- Resource Management
- Resource Management and Consumer Science
- Retail Management
- Rural Banking and Finance Management
- Rural Development and Planning
- Rural Marketing Management
- Satellite Meteorology and Weather Informatics
- Science and Technology Communication
- Science Education
- Seed Science and Technology
- Seri-Biotechnology
- Sericulture
- Silviculture and Agroforestry
- Software Engineering
- Soil and Water Engineering
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Sports Psychology
- Sports Science
- Statistics
- Statistics and Informatics
- Statistics and Mathematics
- Statistics with Computer Applications
- Sustainable Development
- Technology Mathematics
- Telecommunication
- Textile Chemistry
- Textile Science and Fashion Designing
- Textiles
- Textiles & Fashion Technology
- Textiles and Apparel Design
- Total Quality Management
- Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Management
- Tree Physiology & Breeding
- Urban Planning
- Urology Technology
- Valuation
- Vastu Science
- Visual Communication
- Visual Effects and Multimedia
- Visual Merchandizing & Communication Design
- VLSI design and technology
- Water and Environmental Technology
- Wildlife Sciences
- Wood Science
- Wood Science & Technology
- Yoga
- Zoology