Kalyan Varma

Kalyan Varma

Views: 1367

Category: Art , Television

Kalyan Varma Profile

  • Name:
  • Kalyan Varma

Kalyan Varma Biography

Kalyan Varma is a professional freelance photographer from Visakhapatnam. He is a wildlife photographer, filmmaker and conservationist, based in Bangalore, Karnataka. He is also a documentary filmmaker and is the co-founder of India Nature Watch, Nature InFocus, Peepli Project. He has extensively worked with various wildlife documentaries for the BBC and National Geographic Channel. He shot the first documentary for BBC - The Mountains of the Monsoon in 2008. One million snake bites, Life Story (TV series), Wonders of the Monsoon, India: Natures Wonderland and Big Cats are his other documentary works for the same channel. He has also shot the documentary film, Secrets of Wild India for National Geographic channel in 2011.


Kalyan Varma was born in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Currently he is based in Bangalore, Karnataka. He schooled from Kendriya Vidyalaya, and took Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from PESIT in 2001. Over the years he gained recognition as a wildlife photographer, filmmaker, naturalist and explorer. He is known for documenting wildlife and the environmental issues that define our times. He works as a freelancer for world's leading magazines, environmental NGOs and television channels like National Geographic and BBC. He is in the industry for more than one decade, and began his active career in 2008.


He is the co-founder of India Nature Watch, an online community, now the largest platform for upcoming wildlife photographers in Asia. He formed this community along with a group of photographers. He also shares his works and knowledge through workshops and seminars, which he conducts regularly at different parts of the country. He also collaborates with wildlife scientists, conservationists, policy makers, activists and educators for protecting the nature. He has also worked in Yahoo for 3 years looking after application security and cryptography, and won Yahoo! Superstar award in 2003. He quit the company in 2004 to pursue his passion in photography.

Published: November 07, 2018

Updated: November 07, 2018

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