Madhu Kishwar Biography 
Madhu Kishwar is an Indian academic, and writer. She is the Senior Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi and the Director of the Indic Studies Project based at CSDS. Modinama (Chronicles of Modi) published in 2013 drew media attention a lot. Kishwar is founder editor of Manushi - a Journal about Women published since 1979 and the Founder President of Manushi Sangathan. Since the early 1990’s, Manushi has been involved in the campaign of economic reforms of self -employed poor. Due to social causes, she has been attacked by anti-social elements several times. Apart from authoring books, she has also edited a few also.
Zealous Reformers, Deadly Laws: Critical Review of Laws to Strengthen Women’s Rights (2008), Deepening Democracy: Challenges of Governance and Globalization in India (2006), Off the Beaten Track: Rethinking Gender Justice for Indian Women (1999), Himalaya Bachao Andolan ki Do Awazein (1993), Gandhi and Women (1986) and In Search of Answers: Indian Women’s Voices (1984) are her published books. She has also published several columns in many leading journals and newspapers. She has also been involved with social activities and has served the positions of secretary, Member of Advisory Board and Board Member of several societies.
Madhu Kishwar studied at Miranda House and Jawahar Lal Nehru University. In 1979, she founded women’s journal, Manushi and served as its editor. Though Nobel laureate Amartya Sen described it as a pioneering feminist journal, Madhu didn’t accept the compliment. She founded Manushi Sangathan and served as its president. The aim of this organization is a forum for research based activist interventions, particularly in support of women. Through Manushi's research, writings and campaigns, she campaigned for the self-employed poor and to get their rights.
Published: N/A
Updated: April 02, 2014