Varahamihira Biography
Varahamihira, also called Varaha or Mihir, was an astronomer, mathematician and astrologer who lived in Ujjain during 5th century. He is considered to be one of the nine jewels of the court of legendary ruler Vikramaditya. He was born in Avanti region, that’s presently known as Malwa. His father Adityadasa, was also an astronomer. He was the first one to mention that the shifting of the equinox is 50.32 seconds. He specified it in his written book, Pancasiddhantika. He was also an astrologer and has written on all the three branches of astrology. His son Prithuyasas has also contributed in the Hindu astrology through his work, Hora Sara. Khana, the medieval Bengali poetess astrologer is believed to be the daughter-in-law of Varahamihir.
His works on astrology include Daivajna Vallabha, Kutuhala Manjari, Brihat Jataka, Laghu Jataka (Swalpa Jataka), Lagu Vivaha Patal (Swalpa Vivaha Patal), Samasa Samhita, Brihat Vivaha Patal, Brihat Yogayatra, Yoga yatra and Tikkani Yatra. His work Brihat Jataka is regarded as one the five main treatises on Hindu astrology on horoscopy. He has also given significant contributions to mathematics as well. Varahamihira's mathematical work included the discovery of many basic trigonometric formulas like Sin square x + Cos square x = 1. He has also improved the accuracy of the sine tables of Aryabhata I. He defined the algebraic properties of zero and negative numbers and was one among the first mathematicians to discover Pascal triangle.
He has also given contributions to the field of physics. He told that “Reflection is caused by the back-scattering of particles and refraction by the ability of the particles to penetrate inner spaces of the material, much like fluids that move through porous objects”. He had good knowledge of western astronomy also. Encyclopedia Brihat-Samhita is one of the significant contributions of this Indian genius.
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Updated: February 17, 2014