Area: 1786 square kilometers
Density of population: 140 people per square kilometer
Literacy Rate: 56.60 % - Male: 60.38 %, Female: 52.39 %
Male Female Ratio: 1000:898
Boundaries of Mon District
North: Sivasagar District, Assam
South: Tuensang District, Nagaland and Myanmar
East: Myanmar
West: Tuensang District and Mokokchung District, Nagaland
Mon District Average Rainfall: 2500 mm
Mon District Average Temperature: 24.4 deg C
Mon District Average Relative Humidity: 76%
Major Rivers: Dikhu, Tizit, Tehok, Tekang, Tapi, Kaimang, Yityong, Telangsao
Blocks: Mon, Chen, Wakching, Tizit, Tobu, Phomching
Mon District Nearby Attractions
1. Shangnyu Village
2. Chui Village
3. Longwa Village
4. Veda Peak
5. Naganimora
6. Chiknyuho
7. Shawot
8. Ngupdang
9. Longwa
10. Angphang
11. Monyakshu
12. Pessao
13. Changlangshu
Mon District Facts: It is one of the three districts in Nagaland that is receiving funds from the Backward Regions Grant Fund Program. Shawot is the highest peak here. Many remains of Second World War found here.
Major Agricultural Products: Paddy, maize, pulses and crops cultivated by Jhuming.
Major Industrial Products: Wood carvings, guns, gun powders, brushes, shawls, ornaments
Other Industries: Weaving, bamboo works, basket making
What is Mon District Famous For: Wood Carving
People of Mon District: Konyaks, Thendu, Thentho, Anghs
Last Updated : Thursday Jun 14 , 2012