Bharat Chettri

Bharat Chettri

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Category: Sports & Games

Bharat Chettri Profile

  • Name:
  • Bharat Chettri

Bharat Chettri Biography

Bharat Chettri is an Indian hockey player who serves as the goalkeeper and the captain of the Indian hockey team. He started playing international hockey in 2001 and made his debut in the Prime Minister Gold Cup Tournament in Dhaka in Bangladesh.


He was born in 1982 in Darjeeling in a family of 5 sons and his father being an army man, he did his schooling at Danapur Army School where he got his basic training in hockey. Then he joined the Sai’s Center of Excellence in Bangalore in 1998.


He is the first goalkeeper to lead the Indian team in Olympics. He was considered as the best goalkeeper in the 1997 Junior Nationals. He also took part in the 2000 Junior Asia Cup, 2000 Pozan Junior Challenge, 2001 Akher El Yom Cup and 2001 Samaranch Cup. His team won medals in all these events.


He was called for the Mini-World Cup in 2005 and played the 2005 Champions Trophy in Chennai in a very impressive manner cementing his position in the Indian hockey team. He played 2007 Sultan Azlan Cup and 2008 Belgium Series. After 2010 World Cup, he was recalled for the national training camp. His excellent career graph is just enough to speak of his talents in the game.

Published: N/A

Updated: December 20, 2012

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