Yatinder Singh

Yatinder Singh

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Category: Sports & Games

Yatinder Singh Profile

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  • Yatinder Singh

Yatinder Singh Biography

Yatinder Singh is a professional bodybuilder from Saharanpur, UP, who is one among the top and successful athletes at present. A true inspiration to fighters, he met with an accident which left him in a wheelchair for two years – 2007 to 2009. Yet he bounced back to become what he dreamt about – a successful bodybuilder. He spin discs were seriously damaged following the accident. After winning Mr. India 2010 contest, he finished second at Mr. World thus winning a silver medal and even won the Mr. Talkwalkar Classic! He strictly follows a diet plan and workout plan. Till now he has won more than 20 Bodybuilding Competitions FY 14 & 15 World Bodybuilding Championship. Most recently he grabbed Gold Medal in Federation Cup 2016. He also won Mr. India title 2016.


He started off with his dream to become a professional bodybuilder around 15 years ago from the village of Saharanpur of Uttar Pradesh. At that time he thought of Bodybuilding as one of the toughest tasks ever existed. But through his hard work and dedication, he corrected its false assumption later. Mr. India sugar Classic championship – Overall Title and Silver Medal in Talwalkar’s Classique Invitational Bodybuilding Championship 2015 are among his major wins till now. He currently owns a Gym named ‘O’ Two Gym ‘N’ SPA” at Gurgaon, and he is a certified trainer too. He is staying at Gurgaon for the past 10 years.


He won Mr. UP overall title in 2014 and 2015. North India Bodybuilding Championship 2009 – Overall Title, Gold medal at 50th National Bodybuilding Championship 2010, Silver medal at All India Bodybuilding Championship 2014 and Federation Cup 2016 – Overall Title are a few more. World Body Building Championship 2016 held at Brazil is his current mission, where he dreams to achieve gold.

Published: N/A

Updated: June 19, 2016

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