Hemant Birje

Hemant Birje

Views: 10422

Category: Cinema

Hemant Birje Profile

  • Name:
  • Hemant Birje
  • Born:
  • August 19, 1965

Hemant Birje Biography

Hemant Birje is a Bollywood film actor of 1980s and later, best known for playing the leading role of Tarzen in Adventures of Tarzan directed by Babbar Subhash. Though it was only a B-grade movie, the movie became a box office hit, and its demand on television also grew over years. His sizzling chemistry with its co-star Kimi Katkar received a loud noise of applause and still loved many, even after 30 years of release. Adventures of Tarzan released in 1985 was his debut flick, and later he played many supporting roles in the 1980s and 1990s and did many movies with Mithun Chakraborty. Known to be Bollywood’s Tarzen, he had only limited success in career and also faced financial troubles in real life later.


Hemant was born on 19 August 1965 in Belgaum, Mysore State. Birje marked his film journey with B-grade movie, Adventures of Tarzan in 1985. The movie was a box office hit. But after his debut flick, his films never matched its success. Birje soon switched to character actor roles. He was also seen in Salman Khan's Garv: Pride and Honour in 2004, one of the memorable supporting roles of his career. In 2008 there were rumours that a sequel of Adventures of Tarzan is to be made titled - Return of Tarzan. Nikki Shah Patel was finalized to play one among the female leads. But the project didn’t finalize.


Following his unsuccessful career in the industry, he faced a lot of financial troubles. In 2015 court ordered to vacate the rental home in which he stayed, soon after tenancy agreement had expired.in 2017 there were reports that his daughter Soniya Birje is to step into entertainment industry, and has already started working in a play.

Published: N/A

Updated: June 05, 2018

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