Mumtaz Ali

Mumtaz Ali

Views: 3921

Category: Cinema

Mumtaz Ali Profile

  • Name:
  • Mumtaz Ali
  • Spouse:
  • Latifunnisa Ali

Mumtaz Ali Biography

Mumtaz Ali was a dancer and character actor in Hindi cinema in the early era of Hindi cinema. He was active during 1940s to 1970s. Ace comedian of Bollywood in the era of 1960s and 1970s, Mehmood Ali was his son. His daughter Minoo Mumtaz and son Anwar Ali have also played character roles in several Hindi films of 1950s and 1960s. Anwar Ali later turned a producer in the 1970s and became a successful film producer. Famous musician and singer Lucky Ali is his grandson. He had 8 children of whom three of them joined film industry and his family came to be known by the name, Mehmood Ali film family.


He was born in Chennai in 1915. He joined film industry in the mid-1930s and is best remembered for the song "Mein to Dilli se Dulhan laya re". The song belongs to 1942 movie, Jhula and in the 1940s this particular song was compulsorily played at all marriage functions in Mumbai and Delhi. He worked as a production manager, dancer and character artist in Hindi film industry since mid-1930s. Jeevan Prabhat (1937), Basant (1942) and Kunwara Baap (1974) are some of his noted film roles. He wrote the story of the film, Chhote Nawab.


Mumtaz is also known as a good dancer and he has been featured in several song sequences of 1940s and 1950s. He has also danced in women’s clothes in some films. He was married to Latifunnisa Ali and the couple had eight children of whom the second was popular comedian Mehmood and the last one being film actor and producer, Anwar Ali. He was active in the film scene till mid-1970s, and was last seen in the film, Kuwara Baap, co-produced by his son Anwar Ali, and directed by Mehmood. Mehmood played lead actor in this hit movie.

Published: N/A

Updated: May 29, 2016

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