Surjit Singh Barnala

Surjit Singh Barnala

Views: 15100

Category: Politics

Surjit Singh Barnala Profile

  • Name:
  • Surjit Singh Barnala
  • Born:
  • October 21, 1925
  • Born / Home Town:
  • Ateli

Surjit Singh Barnala Biography

Surjit Singh Barnala is serving as the governor of Tamil Nadu. He is in this position since November 2004. In his political career he has served as the Governor of four states, Minister in the Union Cabinet twice, Chief Minister of Punjab and as a Vice-Presidential candidate.

He was born on 21st October 1925 in Ateli village in Punjab state. He was born in a wealthy family and his father was a magistrate. He finished Law degree in Lucknow University in 1946. He took part in Quit India Movement of 1942 in Lucknow. He practiced law for few years and was actively involved in politics in late sixties and rose in his ranks of Akali Dal. He stood in the 1952 election for the first time and lost by just 4 votes.

He married Surjit Kaur Barnal who is at present serving as the President of Shriomni Akali Dal. They have three sons and one daughter. Their daughter Amrit Kaur married an Army officer Maj .Adesh Pal Singh Sandhu. Their son, Jasjit Singh Barnala is a businessman running Barnas International Pvt Ltd and another son Ganganjit Singh Barnala is a politician. Their youngest son Neilinder Singh Barnal died in a car accident in the year 1996. They have seven grand children.

He served as the president of Shiromani Akali Dal and served as Chief Minister of Punjab from 29th September 1985 to 11th May 1987. After this president’s rule was imposed. He served as the Governor of Tamil Nadu from 1990 to 1991 and he refused to recommend the dismissal of Tamil Nadu government, he was transferred as Governor of Bihar. He resigned the post and served as the lieutenant governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands from 1990 to 1993. He was the governor of Uttarkhand from 2000 to 2003 and Governor Andhra Pradesh from 2003 to 2004 and at present serving as the Governor of Tamil Nadu.

He was a candidate for the election of Vice-President of India in the year 1997 and 2007. He was elected to the parliament of India three times. He served as the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Rural Development in 1977 in Morarji Desai Ministry. He served as the Minister of Chemical & Fertilizers, Food and Consumer Affairs in the Vajpayee Ministry. He authored the books, ‘Story of an Escape’ and ‘My Other Two Daughters.’

Published: N/A

Updated: August 15, 2011

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